Press releases

Long-term weight retention and associated health risks identified in obese adults

UK adults who are overweight or obese retain their weight over time, which is linked with an increased risk of health complications and death, according to a new study.

Alternating vaccines trial expands to include two additional vaccines

Experts from the University of Nottingham are looking for people who have had their first Covid-19 vaccination in the past 8-12 weeks, to take part in an extended study investigating alternating doses of two new approved vaccines.

New study reveals why some people are hungry all the time

People who experience big dips in blood sugar levels, several hours after eating, end up feeling hungrier and consuming hundreds more calories during the day than others, according to experts.

New research on why ‘poo’ transplants effectively treat C. diff could lead to more treatments for similar conditions

Experts have uncovered a new molecular reason why faecal transplants are highly effective in treating infections such as C. difficile (a nasty bacteria that can infect the bowel), which could lead to more targeted treatments for this and other similar diseases.

New national study of long-term impacts of debilitating lung damage from Covid-19

Experts from the University of Nottingham are part of a new national study investigating the long-term effects of lung inflammation and scarring from Covid-19.

Where we live can affect male reproductive health, finds new study

New research, led by scientists at the University of Nottingham, suggests that the environment in which men live may affect their reproductive health.

Jeremy junior is born with lefty gene

A Scientist from the University of Nottingham, who helped a one in a million left-coiling garden snail called Jeremy find a mate, has finally raised a first-ever lefty snail in the lab, and is hoping the public can help him find another.

Covid-19 - one year on - our experts look to the future

To mark one year since the start of lockdown, some of our experts have been sharing their insights into the pandemic and look forward to what we can expect in the future

Leading eye expert appointed High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire

Professor Harminder Singh Dua CBE, from the University of Nottingham, has been appointed as High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire.
Professor Harminder Singh Dua CBE, from the University of Nottingham, has been appointed as High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire.

Surviving lockdown, a new book explores how to tackle cabin fever

A new book by experts at the University of Nottingham, looks at how people cope during prolonged periods of isolation, how people avoided ‘cabin fever’ during lockdown and provides a reflection that may help as we come out of lockdown to understand its impact on our mental health.
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