Press releases

University creates spectacular life-size dinosaur garden at Derbyshire school

Veterinary Science experts at the University of Nottingham have created a school dinosaur garden, featuring giant models and plants that have evolved from those in existence during the cretaceous period.

App developed to boost the welfare of elephants under human care

An app designed to improve the welfare of elephants in zoos, wildlife parks, and other facilities across the world has been created by researchers at the University of Nottingham.

Supporting smokers with new lung health checks will save thousands of lives

Researchers and national cancer charities strongly welcome the Government decision to back National Screening Committee recommendations for a new national screening programme for lung cancer with smoking cessation support as ‘integral’.

Training breaks viewed positively by educators as well as doctors, new research shows

New study reveals way to predict side-effect risk from common immune suppressant medication

A major new study has found a method to identify people who may experience blood, kidney, or liver related side-effects from methotrexate, the most commonly used immune-suppressing medicine with 1.3 million users in the UK.

Two common drugs could be used to minimise side-effects of stroke linked to dementia, study finds

Two common and cheap drugs could be used to treat a type of stroke that affects at least 35,000 people in the UK each year, a new study shows.

The safety of GP prescribing in England was not adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

The safety of GP prescribing in England was not adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to new study

University of Nottingham establishes new £4 million ovarian cancer research centre

A new research centre to drive forward the latest advancements to tackle ovarian cancer is to be launched at the University of Nottingham.

Nottingham researchers help science come to life at the Summer Science Exhibition 2023

Nottingham researchers help science come to life at the Summer Science Exhibition 2023

University’s major funding boost for research into advanced prostate cancer

Scientists at the University of Nottingham have received more than £1million in support for research that aims to develop new treatments for advanced prostate cancer and to train the next generation of prostate cancer research leaders.
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