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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

3. Activity: Risk Assessment for the selection of PPE

Try carrying out a risk assessment on the 3 tasks in the table below. Drag a tick if you think the type of PPE is required or a cross if you think it is not, into each table cell below.

Sterile Gloves

Task / situation

Contact with body fluid is not expected. E.g. undertaking vital signs in a non COVID-19 positive patient.

Disposable apron/gown

  • Not Required

Disposable gloves

  • Not Required

Face, eye/mouth protection

  • Not Required

Contact with body fluid is potentially unavoidable. E.g. emptying a catheter bag or commode.

Disposable apron/gown

  • Required

Disposable gloves

  • Required

Face, eye/mouth protection

  • not_required

Contact with body fluid is expected with high risk of splashing.

Disposable apron/gown

  • Required

Disposable gloves

  • Required

Face, eye/mouth protection

  • Required
  • Required
  • Not Required
  • Not Required
  • Not Required
  • Required
  • Not Required
  • Required
  • Required
  • Required
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