PADSHE Project - University of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham

Contact Details

  Dr Angela Smallwood
Role in Project: Project Director and Team Leader for Nottingham
Role in Institution: Senior Lecturer in School of English Studies
Telephone: 0115 846 7301
Fax: 0115 846 6777
Address: Room B33 The Exchange
  The University of Nottingham
  Jubilee Camput
  NG8 1BB

Other members of the PADSHE team at Nottingham

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Staffing, Quality and Standards 

Internal Evaluator 
Careers Adviser 
Project Secretary 

Professor Lawrie Challis 1996-1998
Professor Stephen Bailey from 1998
Gill Murray
Pauline Armstrong
Ruth Gooderham
Katherine Pitt
Heather Sowter 
Aileen Bishop

Liz Jennings

Nottingham's roles in PADSHE

The Personal and Academic Record (PAR) in the School of English Studies at Nottingham was developed between 1992 and 1994 and its recognition as "good practice" by HEFCE's Teaching Quality assessors in 1994 gave rise to the bid for FDTL funding for the PADSHE Project. In addition to providing leadership for the project and representing it nationally, Nottingham has focused on dissemination to disciplines outside English. More than half the departments in the University are now engaged with PARs and the University has set October 2001 as the target date for implementing PARs across the institution.

Variations across disciplines

While "the English model" has undoubtedly been the major influence on PAR design in other Schools, there have been some interesting modifications.

Where "local needs" have driven the development, the resulting PARs are either more deliberately limited in scope (e.g. the Study Abroad PAR, or SAPAR, in American and Canadian Studies), or considerably larger because of the need to meet the demands of professional organisations (e.g. Physiotherapy, Nursing, Education). The main exception within the second group is the Urban Planning PAR, where external validating bodies have clearly influenced developments, yet the PAR as a whole remains relatively close to the prototype; perhaps the main impact of an outside agency here has been on the commitment of staff and students to the process.

Core principles accepted

These are summarised in the Guidelines for academic departments

Case Study Area

Study Abroad PAR (SAPAR) in American and Canadian Studies. See case studies


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