Management of the Child with a Decreased Conscious Level

An Evidence Based Guideline

Guideline Development
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The guideline has been summarised as a quick reference algorithm. This can be printed off and used in the clinical areas.

To download a printable copy of the guideline algorithm please click here


The full recommendations can also be viewed and printed off to keep in your local hospital guideline folder for reference.

To download a printable copy of the guideline's full recommendations please click here


The full technical document summarising the development process of the guideline can be viewed and printed off if you need to independently

appraise the guideline methodology. To download a copy and the appendices please click here


                    Evidence tables                            Guideline meetings                                    Patient / parent involvement


                    Delphi consensus                            Stakeholder involvement                        Patient information leaflet

This guideline has been developed using rigorous methodology and has been appraised and endorsed by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health