School of Pharmacy

Essential guide to starting Pharmacy MPharm

Congratulations on securing your place here at Nottingham. Here’s some useful information and don’t worry if it doesn’t all make sense at the moment as we’ll tell you more when you arrive. We look forward to meeting you.



  • You need to complete an Occupational Health Questionnaire. It is essential that you access and complete the questionnaire as a priority, and read the School of Pharmacy Fitness to Practice policy
  • You need to request either a DBS check (for students from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) or a Certificate of Good Conduct (for students from overseas) as a priority. You need to get this underway before you arrive here to study. Further guidance on how to do this, including the log-in details for the DBS website ( , are available in the welcome email that incoming students should have received from the School of Pharmacy.
  • Vaccinations Requirements
    Your course requires you to have certain immunity status. Once your Occupational Health questionnaire is completed, please send evidence of your vaccination history to the following email address:

    The vaccination requirements for the Pharmacy intake at The University of Nottingham are as follows:

    • Documentary evidence of two MMR vaccinations or a serology blood test confirming immunity
    • Documentary evidence of BCG vaccination (Tuberculosis) or evidence of a BCG scar.
    • Documentary evidence of two Varicella vaccinations or a definite history of previous infection or a serology blood test confirming immunity. Please note if you were born outside the UK you will be expected to produce documentation of vaccination or a serology blood test confirming immunity. A verbal history of infection will not be accepted.

    MMR Information: Most people will have obtained two MMR vaccines as part of their childhood immunisations.  Please provide evidence of these vaccines OR obtain any outstanding MMR vaccinations from your General Practitioner (GP). These vaccinations are free.

    Varicella Information: If you were born in the UK and contracted Chicken Pox during childhood, you will not be required to obtain two Varicella vaccinations as immunity would have already been achieved. Please note it does need to be a definite history, if you are unsure please contact your GP and ask for a blood test to test for your immunity. If you were born outside the UK you will require a blood test indicating you are immune to chickenpox. If you are not immune you will require two vaccinations of the chickenpox vaccine.

  • students should check this page regularly as new information will be added in the next few weeks

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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