School of Physics & Astronomy

Lucy Woodward about science communication

Lucy Woodward talks about her passion for science communication. Lucy is a final year student with a budding career in science writing and communication.

Hi, I’m Lucy. I’m a final year MSci Physics student who is interested in pursuing a career in Science Communication after I graduate in 2023.

Science communication aims to share the key messages and concepts from current research with the public or a given audience – I think it’s an underrated aspect of the scientific method because if no one communicates the research, it might not be expanded upon or recognised, and surely that’s the point! It involves a range of communication methods, from writing to podcasting to presenting documentaries or radio shows. There’s a whole range of communications roles within companies and organisations too. For example, my summer internship was focused around communicating findings from the UKRI’s Net Zero Scoping project, which was such a great way to combine my enthusiasm for talking about climate change with gaining experience.

Lucy Woodward

Thinking about future career options is something that helps me feel a bit more prepared for the inevitable uncertainty after uni. I’m currently an ambassador for WRIPA because I wanted to talk with other students who might also be both excited and daunted by the idea of life after graduation.

I think if I were to tell myself something this time last year, it would be that even though the career you really want might seem unattainable, it’s no less attainable than the job you only half want. I’m glad I applied for and accepted the internship I actually wanted rather than the one I thought others would expect me to do.



School of Physics and Astronomy

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