The EMFL unites, coordinates all existing European large-scale high magnetic field research infrastructures in a single body. It includes the Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI, Grenoble and Toulouse), the High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML - Nijmegen) and the Hochfeld-Magnetlabor (HLD - Dresden), providing the international community with access to the highest continuous and pulsed magnetic fields in Europe. In her new role of UK Director for the EMFL partnership funded by the EPSRC, Prof Patanè will work with the Directors of the EMFL towards the expansion of the operational capacity of the EMFL, including the use of beyond-state-of-the-art magnets. The synergy of the EMFL with other large-scale national and international facilities can bring the UK to the forefront of important scientific and technological developments building on the UK's existing strengths and position of the UK as a world-leader in high magnetic field research.
The University of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham NG7 2RD
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