School of Physics & Astronomy

Condensed Matter Theory


Research areas include: Quantum circuits & nanomechanics, Complex Quantum Systems, Fullerene Theory, Quantum electronics and ultracold atoms, Physics of Non-Equilibrium, Many-Body Quantum Physics and Quantum Simulation with atoms and molecules, Statistical Models of Complex Systems, Quantum Thermodynamics, Theory of Open Quantum Systems, Granular and Fluid Dynamics, Modelling THz electronics (with e2v), graphene, hybrid cold-atom/quantum electronic systems and chip-based cold-atom sensors.

Academic Staff

Research Staff

PhD Students

  • Tom Antolin
  • George Bakewell-Smith
  • Monty Clark
  • Anna Dalmasso
  • Jake Dorman
  • Connor Fields
  • Alessandro Foligno
  • Molly Gibbins
  • Thomas Hamlyn
  • Caitlin Lewis
  • Paul Nemec
  • Joshua New
  • Nandhakishore Perarulalan
  • Konstantinos Sfairopoulos
  • Tianyi Yan

Affiliated Research Centres


Study with us

We welcome applications to study for a PhD in the Condensed Matter Theory group. Potential applicants should contact members of academic staff to discuss possible research projects.

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: