School of Physics & Astronomy

Our Alumni


Isabel Palmer
MSci Physics with Medical Physics, 2015
Senior Radiotherapy Physicist, Guy’s at St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

I first became interested in Medical Physics when I was investigating the different courses available when I was applying for university. I had briefly considered a career in medicine, but thought physics was where my talents and passions really lay, so Medical Physics seemed the perfect compromise for me.

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Katy Ashby
Physics with European Language MSci, 2017
Principal Software Engineer and Team Lead, Orderly

UoN was initially high on my list as it was one of only a few universities in the UK which offered an IOC accredited Physics course combined with a year abroad opportunity, plus was a prestigious "Red Brick" uni. 
When I visited on my open day, I fell in love with the beautiful campus. I also loved that the guides who showed me around the School of Physics were into sport - it felt like the Physics students at UoN valued having a balanced lifestyle.

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Joanna Sillars
BSc Physics With Medical Physics, 2016
Clinical Scientist, Radiation Physics, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Nottingham was one of the only University's at the time that offered Medical Physics as an undergraduate option, so that immediately sparked my interest. I visited the campus and fell in love with how everything is in one place, in a park! I felt Nottingham was a brilliant student experience, whether it was nights out at Rock City or Ocean, or eating burgers in the SU, or going for walks around the lake. 


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Laura Clarke-220

Laura Clarke
Msci Physics, 2013
Managing Director, Chilwell Products Ltd

For me university was a pivotal stage in my life that allowed me to meet and become friends with such a large diversity of people from so many different backgrounds. I'm a firm believer in the greater variety of people you can expose yourself to, from different walks of life, the better you develop as your own self. I believe it's truly allowed me to build my social skills and people skills, which allows you to make connections that really can be life changing. 

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Hugh Baxter
MSci Physics, 2020
Software Engineer (Waveguide Modelling Engineer) – WaveGuide Optics (Snap)

I first considered the University of Nottingham because of its high ranking in university league tables for Physics. I found I loved the campus with all its greenery, the City itself, and how easy the train would be for me to reach friends and family across the country. The School of Physics and Astronomy gave me great first impressions both from talks and demonstrations when I visited on an open day, and from the Sixty Symbols Youtube channel featuring many of my future lecturers.

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School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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