

Analysing Financial Structure, Transparency and Accountability in the Care Market in England



Rights Lab project lead: Dr Caroline Emberson 
Funder: Friends Provident Foundation
Duration: 3 months (July - September 2024)
Programme: Business and Economies Programme

Our research is centred on promoting responsible working practices within England’s adult social care sector, which employs around 1.5 million people and is crucial to both our society and economy. As the sector continues to grow, largely driven by private companies, it faces significant financial and ethical challenges that impact the quality of care. 

We are investigating how financial structures, particularly ownership models and profit allocation, influence ethical practices within the sector. Our goal is to enhance transparency and explore how financial distress may be linked to poor working conditions, including issues like modern slavery. We are also looking to assess how financial institutions can actively contribute to improving labour rights and overall standards in the sector. 

The outcome of this research will include a dashboard analysing 59 major care providers, along with a policy brief which will have practical recommendations for financial institutions.



Policy Brief

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