Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


JORDAN KAUFFMAN, 2017. Review of the Lisbon Architectural Triennal, The Form of Form Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. 76(3), 409-410

DE SILVA, W, HALE, J and PORTER, N, 2016. Ritualised Mythic Place: Body, Performance and Place In a Traditional Sri Lankan Landscape. In: DWYER, S, FRANKS, R and GREEN, R, eds., With(Out) Trace: Interdisciplinary Investigations into Time, Space and the Body 3. ID.Net. 314

JÄGER, NILS, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER and HALE, JONATHAN, 2016. Embodied Interactions with Adaptive Architecture. In: DALTON, NICHOLAS S., SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER, WIBERG, MIKAEL and VAROUDIS, TASOS, eds., Architecture and Interaction: Human Computer Interaction in Space and Place 1. Springer International Publishing. 183-202

SARAH SCHRANK and DIDEM EKICI, eds., 2016. Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body Routledge.

DIDEM EKICI, 2016. The Physiology of the House: Modern Architecture and the Science of Hygiene. In: SARAH SCHRANK and DIDEM EKICI, eds., Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body Routledge.

DIDEM EKICI, 2016. Skin, Clothing, and Dwelling: Max von Pettenkofer, the Science of Hygiene, and Breathing Walls Journal of Society of Architectural Historians. 75(3), 281–298


SARAH SCHRANK and DIDEM EKICI, 2016. Introduction. In: SARAH SCHRANK and DIDEM EKICI, eds., Healing Spaces, Modern Architecture, and the Body Routledge.

TAHSIRI, M, HALE, J and NIBLOCK, C, 2016. Knowledge Distribution and the Effect of Design Tools on the Design Process In: Design Computing and Cognition 2016. 461-480 (In Press.)

RODRIGUEZ, C, HUDSON, R and NIBLOCK, C, 2016. Collaborative learning in architectural education: Benefits of combining conventional studio, virtual design studio and live projects British Journal of Educational Technology.

JARMAN, D, 2016. Fight Club – Whether to make architecture or blow it up! The search for truth in the profession of lies. In: TROIANI, I and CAMPBELL, H, eds., Making Visible: Architecture Film making Intellect. (In Press.)

MARTIN B. A., MASIH D., LAU B., BECCARELLI P. and CHILTON J., 2016. An Evaluation of Thermal and Lighting Performance Within an ETFE Structure. In: DASTBAZ M. and GORSE C., eds., Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design: Selected Proceedings from the International Conference of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS) Springer International Publishing. 47-58

HEYSE, P., BUYLE, G., WALENDY, B., BECCARELLI, P., LORIGA, G., ZANGANI, D. and TEMPESTI, A., 2016. Multitexco: High-performance smart multifunctional technical textiles for the construction sector: Unitex Unitex. 2016-June(2), 4-6
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257