Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


BECCARELLI P. and MAFFEI R., 2016. Design and Manufacturing of the Linko Demountable Fabric Pavilion for the Motorsport Sector Procedia Engineering. 155, 323-331

IBRAHIM H., WAGDY A., BECCARELLI P., CARPENTER R. and CHILTON J., 2016. Applicability of Flexible Photovoltaic Modules onto Membrane Structures Using Grasshopper Integrative Model Procedia Engineering. 155, 379-387

HEYSE P., BUYLE G. and BECCARELLI P., 2016. MULTITEXCO - High Performance Smart Multifunctional Technical Textiles for Tensile Structures Procedia Engineering. 155, 8-17

LIU H., SUN Y., WU Y., MARTIN B., CHILTON J., MIRZAEI P., ZANG X., BECCARELLI P. and LAU B., 2016. Thermal and Optical Analysis of a Passive Heat Recovery and Storage System for Greenhouse Skin Procedia Engineering. 155, 472-478

DE VITA M., DE BERNARDINIS P. and BECCARELLI P., 2016. The environmental impact of a temporary lightweight building In: Proceedings of 41th IAHS WORLD CONGRESS, Sustainability and Innovation for the Future.

BECCARELLI P., MAFFEI R. and BINDA R., 2016. ETFE envelopes for the building sector In: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Advanced Building Skins. 720-729

JOHN CHILTON and GABRIEL TANG, 2016. Timber Gridshells: Architecture, Structure & Craft Routledge.

MARTIN B., MASIH D., LAU B., BECCARELLI P. and CHILTON J., 2016. An Evaluation of Thermal and Lighting Performance within an ETFE Structure. In: DASTBAZ M. and GORSE C., eds., Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design: Selected Proceedings from the International Conference of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS) Springer International Publishing. 47-58

CHU-CHUN CHUANG and JOHN CHILTON, 2016. Design and Modelling of Heinz Isler’s Sicli Shell In: “ Spatial Structures in the 21st Century ”, Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2016. 10

IBRAHIM, H., WAGDY, A., BECCARELLI, P., CARPENTER, R. and CHILTON, J., 2016. Applicability of Flexible Photovoltaic Modules onto Membrane Structures Using Grasshopper Integrative Model

CHILTON, J., GOSLING, P., MOLLAERT, M. and STIMPFLE, B., 2016. Editorial to the Proceedings of the TensiNet - COST Action TU1303 Symposium 2016

LIU, X., GAO, H., SUN, Y., WU, Y., MARTIN, B., CHILTON, J., MIRZAEI, P., ZHANG, X., BECCARELLI, P. and LAU, B., 2016. Thermal and Optical Analysis of a Passive Heat Recovery and Storage System for Greenhouse Skin

LAU, B., MASIH, D. A. A., ADEMAKINWA, A. A., LOW, S. W. and CHILTON, J., 2016. Understanding Light in Lightweight Fabric (ETFE Foil) Structures through Field Studies

ABAID, I and TANG, Y, 2016. Life in public spaces of neighbourhoods: a case study of Misurata City, Libya In: 12th International Symposium on Urban Planning and Environment, Lisbon, Portugal.

BORSI, KATHARINA, NOTTINGHAM, MEGAN and PORTER, NICOLE, 2016. The Typology of the Berlin Block: History, Continuity and Spatial Performance Athens Journal of Architecture. 2(1), 45-64
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257