Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


HALE, JONATHAN, 2015. The Extended Self: Architecture, Memes and Minds JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE. 20(5), 923-925

HOURSTON HANKS, L., 2015. Narrative, Story and Discourse: The Novium, Chichester Curator: The Museum Journal. 58(1), 27-39

NIBLOCK, C, 2015. The Endless Model Design Studies.

TAHSIRI, M, HALE, J and NIBLOCK, C, 2015. Decreasing the Effect of Verbal Noise in Analyzing Cognitive Activity of a Design Process In: ACM SIGCHI Creativity and Cognition. 169-172

TEDJOSAPUTRO, M, SHIH, Y, PRADEL, P and NIBLOCK, C, 2015. Multidisciplinary Design Behaviour using Sketching and Mental Imagery: A Literature Review and Considerations for Future Research In: ICoRD'15 Research into Design Across Boundaries. 34. 27-37

2015. Laser mapping Lincoln Cathedral to uncover its architectural secrets Available at: <>

B. A. J. MARTIN, B. LAU, P. BECCARELLI, Y. WU and J. CHILTON, 2015. Modular Transparent ETFE Panels for Building Envelopes: Thermal Transmittance Assessment and Evaluation IASS 2015 Symposium and Pavilion Contest.

BECCARELLI P., MAFFEI R., LUCHSINGER R.H. and CHILTON J., 2015. Ducati Superbike Pavilion: Design and Manufacturing of a Tensairity® Roof In: Structural membranes 2015 VII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, 19-22 October 2015, Barcellona, Spain.

BECCARELLI P., MAFFEI R., GALLIOT C. and LUCHSINGER R.H., 2015. A new generation of temporary pavilions based on Tensairity® girders Steel Construction. 8(4), 259-264

BECCARELLI P., 2015. Designing with Membranes. In: ZANELLI A., SPINELLI L., MONTICELLI C. and PEDRALI P., eds., Lightweight Landscape: Enhancing Design through Minimal Mass Structures Springer.

HEYSE P., BUYLE G., WALENDY B., BECCARELLI P., LORIGA G., ZANGANI D. and TEMPESTI A., 2015. MULTITEXCO – High Performance Smart Multifunctional Technical Textiles for the Construction Sector Procedia Engineering. 114, 11-17

DE VITA M., BECCARELLI P., DE BERARDINIS P. and MAFFEI R, 2015. Performance analyses of the Ducati Superbike Pavilion In: 10th Conference on Advanced Building Skins, 03-04 November, Bern, Switzerland.

BECCARELLI P., MARTIN B., LAU B., CHILTON J., BONARDI S. and MAFFEI R., 2015. Single-board microcontrollers applied to biaxial tests for architectural membranes In: International IASS Symposium 2015, 17-20 August, Amsterdam, Netherlands..
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257