Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


PORTER NICOLE, 2016. Landscape and branding: The promotion and production of place Routledge.

BORSI KATHARINA, PORTER NICOLE and NOTTINGHAM MEGAN, 2016. The Typology of the Berlin Block: History, Continuity and Spatial Performance Athens Journal of Architecture. 2(1), 45 - 64

PORTER NICOLE, 2016. Power plants needn’t be ugly – let’s make them green and beautiful The Conversation Trust. Available at: <>

PORTER, N., 2016. "Single-minded, compelling, and unique": Visual communications, landscape, and the calculated aesthetic of place branding. In: Visual Environmental Communication Taylor and Francis Inc.. 79-102

SARAH DAVIDSON, OWEN POTTLE and PHIL SOUTHGATE, 2016. BIM for Building Surveyors BIM for Building Surveyors.

MORAN, STUART, JÄGER, NILS, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER and GLOVER, KEVIN, 2016. ExoPranayama: a biofeedback-driven actuated environment for supporting yoga breathing practices Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 20(2), 261-275

JÄGER, NILS, 2016. Enaction in adaptive architecture: archiDOCT archiDOCT. 4(1), 69-85

JÄGER, NILS, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER and HALE, JONATHAN, 2016. Embodied Interactions with Adaptive Architecture. In: DALTON, NICHOLAS, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER, WIBERG, MIKAEL and VAROUDIS, TASOS, eds., Architecture and Interaction Springer International Publishing. 183-202

SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER, SLOVÁK, PETR, FITZPATRICK, GERALDINE and JÄGER, NILS, 2016. The immersive effect of adaptive architecture: Pervasive and Mobile Computing Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 25, 143-152


DEVILAT, BERNADETTE, 2016. CREATING SYSTEMATIC RECORDS THROUGH TIME The destruction and reconstruction of heritage areas affected by earthquakes in Chile ENGAGED URBANISM: CITIES & METHODOLOGIES. 117-124

JORDAN KAUFFMAN, 2016. Architecture in the Art Market: The Max Protetch Gallery Journal of Architectural Education. 70(2), 257-268

JORDAN KAUFFMAN and ANDRE TAVARES, 2016. Thinking About Form. In: ANDRE TAVARES, ed., The Form of Form: Lisbon Architecture Triennale Lars Müller Publishers. 46

HALE, J., 2015. Found Spaces and Material Memory: Remarks on the Thickness of Time in Architecture. In: MINDRUP, M., ed., Material Imagination: Reveries on Architecture and Matter First. Farnham: Ashgate.
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257