Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


Pyranometers are used to measure the solar transmittance of a building component according to a procedure in line or similar to the method stated in ASTM (1986a)

The research group has a set of Kipp & Zonen CMP3 Pyranometers for indoor and outdoor measuring activities related to the investigation of the behaviour of transparent building components.

The solar transmittance of the building component is measured from the ratio of the solar radiation measured by the pyranometer directly exposed to the sun and when the test specimen is placed between the sun and the pyranometer.

ETFE roof solar transmittance pyranometers Nottingham UniversityKipp & Zonen CMP3 Pyranometers (spectral range: 0.3-2.8μm)

The CMP3 pyranometer is an instrument for measuring the solar irradiance. The thermopile sensor construction measures the solar energy that is received from the total solar spectrum and the whole hemisphere (180 degrees field of view). The output is expressed in Watts per meter square. The CMP3 pyranometer is designed for continuous indoor and outdoor use.

The CMP3 pyranometer (ISO 9060:1990 Second Class) is intended for shortwave global solar radiation measurements in the spectral range from 300 to 2800 nm. The thermopile detector measures irradiance up to 2000 W/m² with response time <18 seconds and typical sensitivity 10 µV/W/m² that varies less than 5 % from -10 ºC to +40 ºC.

Operating temperature range is -40 ºC to +80 ºC and the stability is better than 1 % per year. 

The CMP3 pyranometer features a snap-on white sun shield, integrated leveling and a weatherproof connector which is supplied pre-wired with 10 m of signal cable for simple installation. An optional mounting rod and longer cable lengths are available. Two CMP 3s can easily be mounted back-to-back to make a low-cost albedometer.

The Pyranometer does not require any power, it supplies a low voltage of 0 to 20mV in relation to the amount of incoming radiation. When a higher voltage level or a 4 to 20mA signal is required, the AMPBOX is the perfect solution.

Pyranometers_03_CMP_3_01_CMP_3_Pyranometers with sunscreen
Pyranometers_03_CMP_3_05_ConnectorPyranometers connector



SABRINA AFRIN, JOHN CHILTON and BENSON LAU, 2015. Evaluation and Comparison of Thermal Environment of Atria Enclosed with ETFE Foil Cushion Envelope Energy Procedia. 78, 477-482

S. AFRIN, J. CHILTON and B. LAU, 2015. Measurement and Simulation of Summer Thermal Environment of an Atrium Enclosed with ETFE Foil Cushion RoofIn: E. OÑATE, K-U BLETZINGER and B KRÖPLIN, eds., Structural Membranes 2015: VII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures CIMNE, Barcelona.

SABRINA AFRIN, JOHN CHILTON and BENSON LAU, 2015. Thermal environment of an atrium enclosed with an ETFE foil cushion envelope In: 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies.

SABRINA AFRIN, JOHN CHILTON and BENSON LAU, 2014. Thermal Environment of an atrium enclosed by an ethylene-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (ETFE) foil cushion roof In: Shells, Membranes and Spatial Structures Footprints, IASS-SLTE 2014, Brasilia. 8

Pyranometers_03_CMP_3_02_CMP_3_without_sunscreenPyranometers without sunscreen
Pyranometers_03_CMP_3_04_Bubble_levelPyranometers - Bubble level


Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257