Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Oral prednisolone prescribing project 

Oral prednisolone has been the mainstay of treatment for people with bullous pemphigoid, but can cause serious side effects. We found that 70% of people with bullous pemphigoid were prescribed oral prednisolone by their GP. Most of these people received oral prednisolone at levels high enough to cause serious side effects. 


Key facts

Why do the research?

Oral prednisolone, a potent steroid, is the mainstay of treatment for bullous pemphigoid. Although it is effective, it can cause many serious side effects, such as diabetes and brittle bones (osteoporosis). We wanted to understand how many people are prescribed oral prednisolone by their general practitioner 

How was the research conducted?
We examined the prescriptions issued by general practitioners for people with bullous pemphigoid. This allowed us to look at how many people were prescribed oral prednisolone, how long they were on oral prednisolone, and what doses they were on.
What were the results of the study?

About 70% of people with bullous pemphigoid were prescribed oral prednisolone by their GP. The majority of people were on oral prednisolone for extended periods of time and at substantial doses.

What do the results mean for patients?

Many people with bullous pemphigoid are receiving oral prednisone at levels that are high enough to cause serious side effects, such as diabetes and brittle bones. By making patients and GPs aware of this, we hope to improve the monitoring, prevention, and early treatment of these side effects. 

Who funded the study?

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit


Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk