University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre

World Bank GroupWorld Bank Group logo

The UNCLC (University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre) has set up a new student placement programme at the World Bank Group Insolvency and Debt Resolution Team and ran a pilot internship in September-December 2020 with the support of Steve Vaccarini and Faculty Placements.

This World Bank Group team has until now only run their placement partnerships with US and Canadian universities other than a partnership with Oxford University a number of years ago.

Professor Irit Mevorach from the School of Law, Co-Director of the UNCLC and former Senior Counsel at the World Bank Group has commented on this pilot internship: 

Working with the Insolvency and Debt Resolution Team at the World Bank Group has provided our intern with a unique opportunity to be involved in hugely impactful and interesting activities, such as standard-setting, diagnostic work, and technical assistance to governments around the world. This work has direct effect on countries' legal regimes. It helps improve the credit environment and the efficacy of insolvency systems around the world.

Intern experiences

Thomas NairA remote placement does have key advantages over traditional in-person internships. I took part in several meetings with the team, consultants, and clients that would not have been possible to nearly the same extent if this placement was in-person.

Read his full experience.
Thomas Nair (LLM International Commercial Law), World Bank Group Intern in 2021

Ivana Manuel Although drafting was a significant component of my work, I did this for a wide range of topics and this allowed me to learn a lot during my internship.

Read her full experience.
Ivana Manuel (LLM International Law and Development), World Bank Group Intern in 2021

This truly was an invaluable experience as it also helped in researching and writing the dissertation. Working at the World Bank aided the research process as many webinars were relevant and the current alongside access to documents within the department.

Read her full experience.
Junelle Ayettey, intern at UNCLC, Reflections on the World Bank Talk (18 February 2021)

Margaux SeeuwsBecoming familiar with global trends and how the WB has been assisting countries to face the challenges brought by the crisis will be a good preparation for the start of your internship.

Read her full experience.
Margaux Seeuws (LLM) pilot internship


University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
