I’m a physiotherapist and Consultant Therapist for Falls Prevention and Management at Nottinghamshire Healthcare. My role is to provide strategic leadership on ‘all things falls’ for the organisation. I’ve worked in lots of different areas of healthcare across the Midlands and in London. I really enjoy supporting a whole person, multidisciplinary approach to healthcare and to falls prevention and management. As a physiotherapist, I use my understanding of the power of movement to inspire others to move more, while promoting patent safety and positive risk taking to enhance quality of life for people living with frailty and other long-term conditions.
Being part of this steering group brings such joy! It’s great to be part of something where we are listening with curiosity to people who will end up benefitting from the tool that we are developing. Supporting a compassionate approach to research that enables services users and healthcare professionals to truly be part of the story is really rewarding. In a world where it is easy to pay lip service to co-production, being part of the steering group means that I can feel confident it really is happening in practice.
I re-found my love of running last year during #AHPsActive campaign on twitter. I won the parent and child race at sports day recently – so my training as been paying off!
School of Medicine The University of Nottingham Medical School, B108a Nottingham, NG7 2UH
telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 30230