About Sue Knowles
A little bit about me…
Hello, I started my working life in Nottinghamshire Libraries and after time at home with my children I started a new career working 20 years as a Health Development Worker with Rushcliffe Community Voluntary Service.
I worked with Rushcliffe Patient and Public Involvement Team to find ways on how we could enable health staff, service users, carers and members of the public to work together to have a say on local health issues and plans for new services. After many open meetings and events six Patient Forums were established which included the first Learning Disability Patient Forum. I chaired all forum meetings and saw, with lots of hard work and working together, new projects and services established with the patient’s voice and their ideas being heard.
Why I am excited about this research…
I really enjoy being part of the steering group as I firmly believe Patient and Public involvement should be part of any piece of work and I am excited to see the involvement of local Learning Disability group members and carers taking part in this project.
I am also pleased ways of enabling members to take part and making everybody feel comfortable are a priority .I hope the voluntary sector and community groups continue to play a major part in future research as they are a wonderful source of information and have plenty of ideas.
One interesting fact about me…
Well having got over the shock of being made redundant and covid lockdown I have started working through my bucket list.
My retirement has now started and having joined the local U3A group attend the Art, Croquet and Book club meetings as well as singing with a Community Choir …. Life is busy and full of fun!