Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Applications invited for the Orkney Project

The Faculty of English, University of Oxford, Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge, the School of English, University of Nottingham, and the Centre for Nordic Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands, invite applications to attend the 2013 AHRC Collaborative Skills Development Funded training course for doctoral students of Old Norse-Icelandic and Viking Studies from students at UK universities.

The theme of this year's programme is: Extending Academic Research about the Viking Diaspora and its Heritage in the British Isles.

Doctoral students, primarily those IN THEIR FIRST AND SECOND YEARS OF DOCTORAL STUDY, from all institutions in the UK where ONIVS is offered are invited to apply. Some priority will be given to AHRC-funded students.

An application form is attached to this message, and is also downloadable from:


The training course consists of two closely integrated sessions.

The first is an Interdisciplinary Workshop, led by experts, to be held at the University of Oxford, Thurs. January 3rd-Sun. January 6th 2013. This will present aspects of the literature, history and material culture of Viking Orkney, and will also introduce participants to curatorial, archaelogical and material issues within a museum context.

The second is a Field School which will take place in Orkney April 14-20 2013; this will comprise seminars, lectures, expeditions and the production of materials for the project website and for a travelling exhibition on Orkney and its viking heritage.

Attendance at the Workshop is compulsory for those who wish to participate in the Field School. Accommodation and travel are fully funded for both Workshop and Field School.

The deadline for applications (to be sent as scanned documents to Brittany Schorn (bs321@cam.ac.uk) is 15 November 2012.

Informal queries about the programme can be sent to Brittany (as above), Heather O'Donoghue (heather.odonoghue@ell.ox.ac.uk) or Carolyne Larrington (carolyne.larrington@sjc.ox.ac.uk)

Posted on Monday 15th October 2012

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 5924
email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk