Study with us
The School of English offers a range of modules in Norse and Viking Studies at all levels from first-year subsidiary modules to master’s programmes, both on-site and by distance learning.
Many of these can be combined with modules in closely-related subject areas such as Early Medieval English and Name-Studies.
Nottingham is one of the few universities in the country with a recognised reputation for research and teaching in Viking Studies.
PhD and MRes
We have a number of experts in the CSVA who are interested to hear from potential research students with a view to supervising their topics.
Before submitting an application we recommend you discuss your proposal with one of our academic staff. They will be able to advise on writing your application and sources of funding.
Full details of the content and structure of our PhD are on the prospectus:
Find out about the facilities and support available to our PhD researchers:
School of English PhD students
We have a strong track record of successfully supervising candidates to completion:
Graduate profiles

Be part of a thriving community of doctoral students producing world-class research.
Modules on the Viking Age are available to students on a wide range of MA programmes.
See our prospectus for full details of our Masters programmes:
English Studies MA
Find out more about the opportunities for Masters students in the School of English:
School of English Masters students
Our English BA course has dedicated modules in Norse and Viking Studies at all levels, giving students access to the developing body of knowledge of the Viking Age and its perception in medieval Scandinavia and Britain. Some modules may include field trips to relevant sites.
English BA
There are a wealth of opportunities and support for our undergraduate students:
School of English undergradute students
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