Centre for the Study of the Viking Age
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Olley, Katen/aAssistant Professor in Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Other Academic
Abrams, Lesleyn/aHonorary ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Baker, John0115 748 7035Associate Professor in Name-StudiesEnvelope Icon
Barnes, Michaeln/aHonorary ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Carroll, Jayne0115 951 5898Professor in Early English and Name-StudiesEnvelope Icon
Findell, Martin0115 748 4719Assistant Professor in Historical LinguisticsEnvelope Icon
Hansen, Gitten/aEnvelope Icon
Harding, Stephen E.+44 (0)7811090635Professor Emeritus in BiochemistryEnvelope Icon
Jesch, Judith0115 951 5925Professor of Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lee, Christina0115 846 7194Associate Professor in Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Loveluck, Christopher+44 (0)115 951 4835Professor of Medieval European ArchaeologyEnvelope Icon
Ponirakis, Elenin/aHonorary Visiting FellowEnvelope Icon
White, Monica0115 82 32177Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 5924
email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk