Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

CSVA Students to Bergen

The CSVA is delighted that three of its doctoral candidates (Stefanie Kunzel, Elisabeth Magin and Aya Van Renterghem) will be participating in the 10th Bergen-UK Postgraduate Symposium in Old Norse. Bergen was an important commercial, cultural and political centre in medieval Norway and the symposium will include excursions to relevant sites and collections.

One of the students (Elisabeth Magin), working on the runic inscriptions of medieval Bergen, is co-supervised by Dr Gitte Hansen of Bergen University Museum, and the CSVA is currently developing future collaborations with that institution.

Posted on Wednesday 6th April 2016

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

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email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk