Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Vikings at the British Museum

The exhibition 'Vikings: Life and Legend' is on at the British Museum from 6 March to 22 June this year. The exhibition has proved to be of great interest to the world at large, as well as of course the members of the Centre for the Study of the Viking Age. We are proud to be associated with the exhibition in the following ways:

The Languages, Myths and Finds project, coordinated by the University of Nottingham, and with the participation of Centre members Judith Jesch, Christina Lee, Eleanor Rye and Aya van Renterghem, is working with the British Museum in exploring the translation of Norse and Viking cultures into the present day.

Professor Judith Jesch and Dr Jayne Carroll have both written books associated with the exhibition, on Viking poetry and the Vikings in Britain and Ireland.

Professor Judith Jesch contributed commentaries for the exhibition's audio guide, and will be contributing both to Vikings Live on 24 April and a panel discussion on The Vikings in Britain and Ireland: between culture and memory' on 25 April 2014.

Dr Jayne Carroll will also be contributing to Vikings Live on 24 April and giving a lecture to the British Museum Members on 2 June.

Aya van Renterghem will be carving runes in Viking Adventures for schools on 5 June and other dates.

Dr Christina Lee will be reviewing the exhibition for History Today.

Jewellery produced by Becky Crow for John Quanrud's company Viking Minds is on sale in the exhibition shop.

Posted on Monday 10th March 2014

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

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email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk