Centre for the Study of the Viking Age
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Olley, Katen/aAssistant Professor in Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Other Academic
Abrams, Lesleyn/aHonorary ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Baker, John0115 748 7035Associate Professor in Name-StudiesEnvelope Icon
Barnes, Michaeln/aHonorary ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Carroll, Jayne0115 951 5898Professor in Early English and Name-StudiesEnvelope Icon
Findell, Martin0115 748 4719Assistant Professor in Historical LinguisticsEnvelope Icon
Hansen, Gitten/aEnvelope Icon
Harding, Stephen E.+44 (0)7811090635Professor Emeritus in BiochemistryEnvelope Icon
Jesch, Judith0115 951 5925Professor of Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lee, Christina0115 846 7194Associate Professor in Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Loveluck, Christopher+44 (0)115 951 4835Professor of Medieval European ArchaeologyEnvelope Icon
Ponirakis, Elenin/aHonorary Visiting FellowEnvelope Icon
White, Monica0115 82 32177Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Postgraduate Students
Bullen, Kathrynn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Croci, Cassidyn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Giancoli, Chiaran/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Higgs, Jasminn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Lloyd, Abigailn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Mawford, Chrisn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
O'Brien, Laurenn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Yusek, Jessien/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Abrams, Lesleyn/aHonorary ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Baker, John0115 748 7035Associate Professor in Name-StudiesEnvelope Icon
Barnes, Michaeln/aHonorary ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Bullen, Kathrynn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon


Carroll, Jayne0115 951 5898Professor in Early English and Name-StudiesEnvelope Icon
Croci, Cassidyn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon


Findell, Martin0115 748 4719Assistant Professor in Historical LinguisticsEnvelope Icon


Giancoli, Chiaran/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon


Hansen, Gitten/aEnvelope Icon
Harding, Stephen E.+44 (0)7811090635Professor Emeritus in BiochemistryEnvelope Icon
Higgs, Jasminn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon


Jesch, Judith0115 951 5925Professor of Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon


Lee, Christina0115 846 7194Associate Professor in Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon
Lloyd, Abigailn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Loveluck, Christopher+44 (0)115 951 4835Professor of Medieval European ArchaeologyEnvelope Icon


Mawford, Chrisn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon


O'Brien, Laurenn/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon
Olley, Katen/aAssistant Professor in Viking StudiesEnvelope Icon


Ponirakis, Elenin/aHonorary Visiting FellowEnvelope Icon


White, Monica0115 82 32177Associate Professor in Russian and Slavonic StudiesEnvelope Icon


Yusek, Jessien/aResearch StudentEnvelope Icon

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 5924
email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk