Our longstanding 'world leading' and 'internationally excellent' research pedigree, combined with a team of academic researchers and highly skilled technical research specialists enables us to deliver advanced in-house sample analysis.
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Location: D Floor and E Floor, Medical School, Queen's Medical Centre
We have multiple state-of-the-art analytical laboratories to allow for in-house sample analysis using a wide range of specialised laboratory techniques.
Our analytical laboratories are equipped to provide capability for:
General protein, DNA and RNA quantification using in-house extraction assays and Spectroscopy (Visible and UV).
Specific protein quantification (detecting changes in the levels of specific protein molecules among a mixture of proteins) using Western blotting.
Gene expression analysis (detecting changes in the level of expression of specific genes) using Real-time PCR.
Live cell imaging (studying living cells over some time) and Fixed Cell imaging (studying lipid accumulation in muscle cells) using Fluorescence Microscopy.
Substrate and metabolite analysis using a variety of techniques including spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, ELISAs, magnetic bead flow cytometry, and in-house radiochemical assays.
Mitochondrial respiration measurements using respirometry and luminescence.
David Greenfield Human Physiology Unit School of Life Sciences Medical School University of Nottingham Nottingham, NG7 2UH