Human Factors Research Group



NAGHIYEV, A., SHARPLES, S., RYAN, B. and COPLESTONE, A., 2017. Expert knowledge elicitation to generate human factors guidance for future European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Train driving models Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.

MARTIN PORCHERON, JOEL E. FISCHER and SARAH SHARPLES, 2017. “Do Animals Have Accents?”: Talking with Agents in Multi-Party Conversation In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW '17). 207-219

SPRINKS, J., WARDLAW, J., HOUGHTON, R., BAMFORD, S. and MORLEY, J., 2017. Task Workflow Design and its impact on performance and volunteers' subjective preference in Virtual Citizen Science: International Journal of Human Computer Studies International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 104, 50-63

GOLIGHTLY, D and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2017. Social media as a tool to understand behaviour on the railways. In: KOHLI, S, SENTHIL, J.M., EASTON, J.M. and ROBERTS, C., eds., Innovative Applications of Big Data in the Railway Industry

MARINESCU, A., SHARPLES, S., CAMPBELL RITCHIE, A., SANCHEZ LOPEZ, T., MCDOWELL, M. and MORVAN, H., 2017. Physiological parameter response to variation of mental workload. Human Factors. (In Press.)

M. HIRSCH, P. DRYBURGH, S. CATCHPOLE-SMITH, R. PATEL, L. PARRY, S. SHARPLES, I. ASHCROFT and A.T. CLARE, 2017. Targeted Rework Strategies for Powder Bed Additive Manufacture Additive Manufacturing.

NAGHIYEV, A. and SHARPLES, S., 2017. Train simulators for research. In: Simulators for Transportation Human Factors: Research and Practice CRC Press. 91-117

GLYN LAWSON, TESSA ROPER, PAUL HERRIOTTS, LOUISE MALCOLM and DAVIDE SALANITRI, 2017. Perceptions of an automotive load space in a virtual environment International Journal of Vehicle Design.

AMOS, M. and LAWSON, G., 2017. User-Centered Design of a Portable Fire Extinguisher: Ergonomics in Design Ergonomics in Design. 25(3), 20-27

ROPER, T., LAWSON, G. and ABDULLAH, C., 2017. Development of a low-cost multimodal VR system for engineering design
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Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040