Human Factors Research Group


YAN, F., WILSON, R., RUTHERFORD, P. and CRAIK, R. J. M., 2016. The use of damping to reduce the contribution of flanking paths to sound transmission in buildings: Noise Control Engineering Journal Noise Control Engineering Journal. 64(1), 64-74

YANYI SUN, YUPENG WU, ROBIN WILSON, SHUYUE SUN, 2016. Thermal evaluation of a double glazing façade system with integrated Parallel Slat Transparent Insulation Material (PS-TIM) Building and Environment. 105, 69-81

ALTOMONTE, S., RUTHERFORD, P. and WILSON, R., 2016. Indoor Environmental Quality: Lighting and Acoustics. In: ABRAHAM, M., ed., Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies Elsevier. (In Press.)

WATERSON, PATRICK E., KENDRICK, VICTORIA L., RYAN, BRENDAN, JUN, THOMAS and HASLAM, ROGER A., 2016. Probing deeper into the risks of slips, trips and falls for an ageing rail passenger population: applying a systems approach IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. 10(1), 25-31

NAGHIYEV, A., SHARPLES, S., RYAN, B., COPLESTONE, A., CAREY, M. and IEEE,, 2016. Real World Verbal Protocol Data Analysis of European Rail Traffic Management System Train Driving and Conventional Train Driving: 2016 Ieee International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (Icirt) 2016 Ieee International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation (Icirt). 191-196

ANSTEAD, E, BENFORD, S and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2016. MarathON MultiScreen: Group television watching and interaction in a viewing ecology. In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. 405-417

KEFALIDOU, G and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2016. "How can a horse be in two places at once?": Group sensemaking with diverse and ambiguous information In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2016.

BALFE, N, HOUGHTON, RJ and SHARPLES, S, 2016. Investigating strategies in rail signalling: Comparison of simulation methods In: Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2016.

DOWTHWAITE, E, HOUGHTON, RJ and MORTIER, R, 2016. How relevant is copyright to online artists?: A qualitative study of understandings, coping strategies and possible solutions First Monday: Peer-reviewed journal on the internet. 21(5), 4

HOUGHTON, RJ, WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, GIORDANO, M, BAMFORD, S and MARSH, S, 2016. Martian Factors: A systems ergonomics approach to citizen science In: Human Factors In Complex Systems 2016. (In Press.)

DIMOND, M, TAYLOR, N and HOUGHTON, RJ, 2016. Estimating and editing transit topology over the road graph using supply data feeds In: 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science.

HOUGHTON, RJ, 2016. The mind in cognitive ergonomics: Box of rocks or bag of tricks? In: Philosophy and Ergonomics in Complex Human Systems (PEACHS), Nottingham, June 2016.

SPRINKS, J, WARDLAW, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S and MARSH, S, 2016. Better the Martian you know?: Trust in the crowd vs. trust in the machine when using a Martian Citizen Science platform In: 11th European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC).

WARDLAW, J, SPRINKS, J, HOUGHTON, RJ, BAMFORD, S, MARSH, S, MULLER, J-P and SIDIRPOULOS, P, 2016. Mars in Motion: An online Citizen Science platform looking for changes on the surface of Mars In: 11th European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC).
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Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040