Human Factors Research Group


NICHOLS, S.C., 1997. The Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality on Postural Stability In: International Workshop on Motion Sickness.

EASTGATE, RICHARD, NICHOLS, SARAH and D'CRUZ, MIRABELLE, 1997. Application of Human Performance Theory to Virtual Environment Development. In: Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Job Design and Product Design 2. Ashgate. 467-475

NICHOLS, S., COBB, S. and WILSON, J. R., 1997. Health and safety implications of virtual environments: Measurement issues: Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 6(6), 667-675

WILSON, J. R., NICHOLS, S. and HALDANE, C., 1997. Presence and side effects: Complementary or contradictory?

EASTGATE, RICHARD, D’CRUZ, MIRABELLE and WILSON, JOHN R, 1997. A Strategy for Interactivity within Virtual Environment Applications Virtual Reality WorldWide ‘97 Conference Santa Clara, California.

HEATH, T., 1997. The Twenty-four Hour City Concept - A Review of Initiatives in British Cities Journal of Urban Design. VOL 2(NUMBER 2), 193-204

HEATH, T.P., 1997. Review of Evans, R. Regenerating Town Centres, Manchester: Manchester University Press Town Planning Review. 68(4), 523-524

HEATH, T., 1997. The twenty-four hour city concept. In: Safer city centres: reviving the public realm Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd, London. 170-183

CHARITOS, D., BRIDGES, A.H. and RUTHERFORD, P., 1997. Wayfinding, Spatial Elements and Spatial Support Systems in Virtual Environments. In: CAAD, Towards New Design Conventions Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku, Bialymstoku, Poland. 75 - 104

RUTHERFORD, P., 1997. Auditory Navigation and the Escape from Smoke Filled Buildings In: CAAD Futures.

CHARITOS, D. and RUTHERFORD, P., 1997. Ways of Aiding Navigation within VRML Worlds In: Design and the Net...the Proceedings of the 6th International EuropIA Conference. 119 - 132

RUTHERFORD, P., 1997. Virtual Acoustic Technology: Its Role in the Development of an Auditory Navigation Beacon for Building Evacuation In: 1997 United Kingdom Virtual Reality Special Interest Group. 1 - 10

RICHES, P E, EVERITT, N M, HEGGIE, A R and MCNALLY, D S, 1997. Microhardness anisotropy of lamellar bone. Journal of Biomechanics. 30(10), 1059-61

EDWARDS, A G, MCNALLY, D S, MULHOLLAND, R C and GOODSHIP, A E, 1997. The effects of posterior fixation on internal intervertebral disc mechanics. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British). 79(1), 154-60

CRAVEN, M. P., CURTIS, K. M., HAYES-GILL, B. R. and THURSFIELD, C. D., 1997. A Hybrid Neural Network/Rule-Based Technique for On-Line Gesture and Hand-Written Character Recognition In: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, December 15-18 1997. 2. 850-853
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Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040