Human Factors Research Group


CRAVEN, M. P., 1997. A Faster Learning Neural Network Classifier using Selective Backpropagation In: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt, December 15-18 1997. Volume 1. 254-258

NICHOLS, S.C., 1996. Health and Safety Implications of Virtual Reality: Results and Conclusions from an Experimental Programme In: FIVE '96 Conference. 158-166

BURNETT, G. and JOYNER, S., 1996. Route Guidance Systems: Getting it Right from the Driver's Perspective Journal of Navigation. VOL 49(NUMBER 2), 169-177

TIESDELL, S.A., OC, T. and HEATH, T.P., 1996. Revitalising Historic Urban Quarters Butterworth Architecture, Oxford.

HEATH, T.P., 1996. The Transfer of Strategies for Tourism-Led Rivitalisation of Historic Urban Quarters In: ACSP-AESOP Joint International Congress.

HEATH, T.P., 1996. Review of Goldsteen, J B and Elliott, C D (1994) Designing America: Creating Urban Identity, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Journal of Urban Design. 1(2), 229-230

HEATH, T.P., 1996. The Integration of New Economic Uses and Activities into the Historic Townscape In: Planning Academics Conference.

CRAIK, R.J.M. and WILSON, R., 1996. Sound transmission through parallel plates coupled along a line Applied Acoustics. 49(4), 353-372

WILSON, R. and CRAIK, R.J.M., 1996. Sound transmission through dry lined walls Journal of Sound and Vibration. 192(2), 563-580

CHARITOS, D. and RUTHERFORD, P., 1996. Guidelines for the Design of Virtual Environments In: 1996 United Kingdom Virtual Reality Special Interest Group. 93 - 111

MCMILLAN, D W, MCNALLY, D S, GARBUTT, G and ADAMS, M A, 1996. Stress distributions inside intervertebral discs: the validity of experimental "stress profilometry'. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 210(2), 81-7

ADAMS, M A, MCNALLY, D S and DOLAN, P, 1996. 'Stress' distributions inside intervertebral discs. The effects of age and degeneration. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British). 78(6), 965-72

ISHIHARA, H, MCNALLY, D S, URBAN, J P and HALL, A C, 1996. Effects of hydrostatic pressure on matrix synthesis in different regions of the intervertebral disk. Journal of Applied Physiology. 80(3), 839-46

MCNALLY, D S, SHACKLEFORD, I M, GOODSHIP, A E and MULHOLLAND, R C, 1996. In vivo stress measurement can predict pain on discography. Spine. 21(22), 2580-7

NEIL, G, CURTIS, KM and CRAVEN, MP, 1996. Shape recognition using a novel fractal technique In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS 96). 2. 724-727
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Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040