With a focus on global social justice, we investigate a number of social and public policy developments at local, regional, national and transnational level.
Some of the main themes of the centre's work include:
- Conceptual underpinning of social and distributive justice, policy making and governance
- History of Welfare States
- Evaluation of public policies and programmes (including equality legislation and impact assessments)
- Analysis of international and comparative policy reforms (including education policies; health policies; work-family reconciliation; social welfare; and anti-exploitation policies)
- Public sector governance and policy networks
- The role of Third Sector organisations in delivering public services
- Labour markets and inequalities
- Migration and refugee policies (including intra-European migration; refugee policies; education policy for migrants; health and social care for older migrants)
- EU policy, including EU coordination of social security and healthcare
- The impact of Brexit on UK public and social policy
- Urban environments and sustainability (with case studies of Nottingham and Shanghai)