NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care)

Exploring end of life decision making with patients with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) using home mechanical ventilation: The perspectives of people with MND and families. (VentMND)

Project duration:

October 2020 - June 2024


University of Nottingham Anne McLaren Research Fellowship

Project staff: 

Dr. Eleanor Wilson

Professor Christina Faull – Consultant in Palliative Medicine and MND, LOROS Hospice, Leicester

Jonathan Palmer – Respiratory Nurse Consultant, University Hospitals Plymouth

Summary of findings: 

Lay summary for final report


SiLVaH Annual Conference, 10th Nov 2023, Newcastle, UK  International Symposium on ALS/MND 6-8th Dec 2023, Basel, Switzerland Oral presentation - Making end-of-life decisions about home mechanical ventilation: Patient and family perspectives 

Poster presentation -  Responsibility in caring for those with MND and ventilation at the end of life: bereaved family member perspectives

Wilson, E., & Turner, N. (2024). Expanding Qualitative Interviewing for Studies Involving Adults With Different Communication Needs: Reflections on Research With People Living With Motor Neurone Disease. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23,

Wilson, E., Palmer, J., Armstrong, A., Messer, B., Presswood, E., & Faull, C. (2024). End of life decision making when home mechanical ventilation is used to sustain breathing in Motor Neurone Disease: patient and family perspectives. BMC Palliative Care, 23(1), 115.

Wilson, E., Lee, J-S, Wenzel, D and Faull C (2022), The Use of Mechanical Ventilation Support at the End of Life in Motor Neurone Disease/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Scoping Review. Brain Sciences, 12(9): p. 1162

Audio summary

Further information

If you would like to find out more about the study, please contact Dr. Elli Wilson.

This study is linked to NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care).





NCARE (Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End-of-life Care)

University of Nottingham
School of Health Sciences
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA
