Asphalt Clipper Saw
Using our asphalt saw we are able to cut asphalt samples into a large range of different shapes and sizes to suit required test perameters.
Asphaltene Apparatus
Asphaltenes are molecular substances that are found in bitumen, and crude oils, along with resins, aromatic hydrocarbons, and alkanes. Asphaltines are of particular interest to the petroleum industry because of their depositional effect in production equipment, and effect on bituminous materials behaviour.
Bending Beam Rheometer |
The Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) provides a measure of low temperature stiffness and relaxation properties of asphalt binders. These parameters give an indication of an asphalt binder’s ability to resist low temperature cracking.
Bitumen Foam Rig |
A laboratory scale foam bitumen rig. Used to determine the foaming properties of a bitumen sample and to produce foamed bitumen by spraying a small amount of water into hot bitumen. To accompany the foam rig a pug mill mixer enables us to manufacture asphalt samples using foam bitumen. |
Binder Recovery Apparatus
Test Equipment used for the recovery of soluble bitumen from bituminous mixtures from pavements in a form suitable for further testing.
Bitumen Rolling Thin Film Oven
This test equipment was developed to simulate the bitumen ageing that occurs in an asphalt mixing plant. |
Compactor for Alternative Materials
This vibratory compaction hammer is used to compact any non asphalt, or non standard sized asphalt samples.
Coring Rig
Used for taking cylindraical samples of varying heights from an original larger sample.
Dynamic Contact Angle Analyser |
This is used is measure the dynamic contact angle between a liquid and solid. If the forces of interaction, geometry of the solid and surface tension of the liquid are known the contact angle may be calculated. |

Dynamic Shear Rheometer
The dynamic shear rheometer is a system that applies controlled shear deformation to a sample, to enable measurement of flow properties (such as shear viscosity from flow tests) and dynamic material properties (such viscoelastic modulus and phase angle from oscillation tests).
Dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) |
Dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) is a technique that measures how quickly and how much of a solvent is absorbed by a sample: such as dry aggregate filler absorbing water. It does this by varying the vapor concentration surrounding the sample and measuring the change in mass which this produces. |
Dynamic Viscometer
Used to apply a torque required to rotate a bob in a fluid at a known speed and temperature. The drag caused by relative movement of the fluid and a surface is a measure of the viscosity.
Fire and Flash Tester
Used to determine the flashpoint and fire point of petroleum products. The test method is applicable to all petroleum products with flash points above 79°C.
Force Ductilometer
Ductility is measured by the distance to which a sample will elongate before breaking when two ends of a specimen briquette are pulled apart at a specified speed and at a specified temperature. Our ductilometer is also able to measure the resulting realtime force caused by the specified rate of pull until the bitumen sample breaks.
Four Point Bending Machine |
Used for measuring the stiffness modulus and assessing the fatigue resistance of asphalt paving materials. The test specimen is a prismatic beam which is subjected to sinusoidal loading in either the controlled strain or controlled stress modes. The four point bend machine is capable of testing over a wider frequency range (up to 60Hz) than can be achieved with pneumatic loading systems.
Fraass Apparatus
Used to determine the cold temperature breaking point of bitumens.
Goniometer |
This is used to to measure the static contact angle and advancing & receding contact angles. Using this we can determine the ratio of cohesion vs adhesion. |
Gyratory Compactor
One of the preferred methods of laboratory compaction for the assessment of compactibility and the manufacture of asphalt test specimens.
Hollow Cylinder |
The Hollow Cylinder Apparatus (HCA) has the potential to closely simulate the complex in-situ pavement stress regime induced by moving wheel loads. The equipment has the capability to generate complimentary shear stresses to the tested specimen, which allows the study of material anisotropy and the principle stress rotation effects. |
Immersion Wheel Tracker |
A dual arm immersion wheel tracker which is used to evaluate the resistance to rutting and moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures at varying temperatures.
Marshall Compactor |
Used for the manufacture of small asphalt cores. The Marshall compactor drops a known weight for a predetermined number of blows onto a hot asphalt mixture to form a core.

Servo-hydrauic Tension-Compression Machine
A Servo-Hydraulic mechanical testing machine capable of testing in both compression, or tension modes using loads of up to 150KN.
Laboratory Roller Compactors |
Used to compact laboratory asphalt samples of 305mm by 305mm or 500mm by 500mm square at varying temperatures.
Micro Calorimeter |
This is used to determine the changes in energy of a system by measuring the heat exchanged with the surroundings during an exothermic, or endothermic reaction. |
Nottingham Asphalt Tester /NU-14 |
For the measurement of mechanical properties of bituminous materials, the NAT/NU14 can be configured in various ways to provide the user with a convenient method of measuring stiffness modulus and fatigue strength of bituminous material using the repeated load indirect tensile test and assessing resistance to permanent deformation.
Pressure Aging Apparatus for Asphalts (PAV)
The PAV is used to subject bitumen or bituminous materials to pressures of up to 2.45MPa and temperatures up to 148°C. This is used to simulate the in-service oxidative ageing that occurs in asphalt binders during pavement service.
pH and Conductivity Testers for Leachate
Leachate is any liquid that, having passed through matter, extracts solutes, suspended solids or any other component of the material through which it has passed. We can test these components using various different techniques.
Sieve Shakers
Used to assess the particle size distribution (also called gradation) of a granular materials.
Temperature Controlled Room |
Our temperature controlled room is used for the storage of bituminous samples at 5°C to prevent ageing over time. We also have a second temperature controlled room available for testing at cold or warm temperatures.
Two Point Bending Machine |
A trapezoidal specimen is mounted as a vertical cantilever. The base is fixed and the top is moved sinusoidally with a constant displacement amplitude. The trapezodal sample is tested until the stiffness modulus decreases to a user-selected target level.
Wax Content Apparatus
Wax contained in bitumen is the petroleum wax generated from the refining of crude oils. Wax in bitumen can cause adverse effect to the performance of a bitumen. Using the wax content apparatus we can determine the bitumen wax content.
Small Wheel Tracker |
Used for determining the susceptibility of bituminous materials to plastic deformation at high road temperatures under pressures similar to those experienced on the road.