Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


JACKSON, C. P., BOWTELL, R., MORRIS, P. G. and JACKSON, S. R., 2008. A novel MR-compatible device for providing forces to the human finger during functional neuroimaging studies NEUROIMAGE. VOL 40(NUMBER 4), 1731-1737

MARIN, L., POWER, H., BOWTELL, R.W., SANCHEZ, C.C., BECKER, A.A., GLOVER, P. and JONES, A., 2008. Boundary Element Method for an Inverse Problem in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gradient Coils COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCES. VOL 23(NUMB 3), 149-174

MULLINGER, K., DEBENER, S., COXON, R. and BOWTELL, R., 2008. Effects of simultaneous EEG recording on MRI data quality at 1.5, 3 and 7 tesla International Journal of Psychophysiology. 67(3), 178-188

POOLE, M. and BOWTELL, R., 2008. Volume parcellation for improved dynamic shimming MAGMA -LONDON AND NEW YORK-. VOL 21(NUMBER 1-2), 31-40

SCHÄFER, A., ZWAAG, W., FRANCIS, S. T., HEAD, K. E., GOWLAND, P. A. and BOWTELL, R. W., 2008. High resolution SE-fMRI in humans at 3 and 7 T using a motor task MAGMA -LONDON AND NEW YORK-. VOL 21(NUMBER 1-2), 113-120

DEBENER, S., MULLINGER, K.J., NIAZY, R.K. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2008. Properties of the ballistocardiogram artefact as revealed by EEG recordings at 1.5, 3 and 7 T static magnetic field strength International Journal of Psychophysiology. 67(3), 189-199

MULLINGER, K.J., MORGAN, P.S. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2008. Improved artifact correction for combined electroencephalography/functional MRI by means of synchronization and use of vectorcardiogram recordings Journal Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 27(3), 607-616

WRIGHT, P.J., MOUGIN, O.E., TOTMAN, J.J., PETERS, A.M., BROOKES, M.J., COXON, R., MORRIS, P.E., CLEMENCE, M., FRANCIS, S.T., BOWTELL, R.W. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2008. Water proton T 1 measurements in brain tissue at 7, 3, and 1.5T using IR-EPI, IR-TSE, and MPRAGE: results and optimization Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 21(1-2), 121-130

HORT, J, REDUREAU, S, HOLLOWOOD, T, MARCIANI, L, ELDEGHAIDY, S, HEAD, K, BUSCH, J, SPILLER, RC, FRANCIS, S, GOWLAND, PA and TAYLOR, AJ, 2008. The Effect Of Body Position On Flavor Release And Perception: Implications For Fmri Studies Chemosensory Perception. 1(4), 253-257

BLOCKLEY, N.P., JIANG, L., GARDENER, A.G., LUDMAN, C.N., FRANCIS, S.T. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2008. Field strength dependence of R1 and R2* image relaxivities of human whole blood to prohance, vasovist, and deoxyhemoglobin Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 60(6), 1313-1320

GOWLAND, PA and DE WILDE, J, 2008. Temperature Increase In The Fetus Due To Radio Frequency Exposure During Magnetic Resonance Scanning Physics In Medicine And Biology. 53(21), L15-L18

MOORE, R.J., ONG, S.S., TYLER, D.J., DUCKETT, R., BAKER, P.N., DUNN, W.R., JOHNSON, I.R. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2008. Spiral artery blood volume in normal pregnancies and those compromised by pre-eclampsia NMR in Biomedicine. 21(4), 376-380

WRIGHT, P. J., MOUGIN, O. E., TOTMAN, J. J., PETERS, A. M., BROOKES, M. J., COXON, R., MORRIS, P. E., CLEMENCE, M., FRANCIS, S. T., BOWTELL, R. W. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2008. Water proton T-1 measurements in brain tissue at 7, 3, and 1.5 T using IR-EPI, IR-TSE, and MPRAGE: results and optimization MAGNETIC RESONANCE MATERIALS IN PHYSICS BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 21(1-2), 121-130
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