Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


ASLANIDI, O. V., DEWEY, R. S., MORGAN, A. R., BOYETT, M. R. and ZHANG, H., 2008. Electrophysiologically Detailed Models of the Right and Left Rabbit Atria: Pharmacological Impacts on Propagation and Arrhythmogenesis COMPUTERS IN CARDIOLOGY 2008, VOLS 1 AND 2. 69-+

HORT, J, REDUREAU, S, HOLLOWOOD, T, MARCIANI, L, ELDEGHAIDY, S, HEAD, K, BUSCH, J, SPILLER, RC, FRANCIS, S, GOWLAND, PA and TAYLOR, AJ, 2008. The Effect of Body Position on Flavor Release and Perception: Implications for fMRI Studies CHEMOSENSORY PERCEPTION. 1(4), 253-257

KAISER, MARCUS, 2008. Multiple-scale hierarchical connectivity of cortical networks limits the spread of activity

ROOPUN, ANITA K., KRAMER, MARK A., CARRACEDO, LUCY M., KAISER, MARCUS, DAVIES, CERI H., TRAUB, ROGER D., KOPELL, NANCY J. and WHITTINGTON, MILES A., 2008. Temporal interactions between cortical rhythms: Frontiers in Neuroscience Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2(2), 145-154

ROOPUN, A. K., KRAMER, M. A., CARRACEDO, L. M., KAISER, M., DAVIES, C. H., TRAUB, R. D., KOPELL, N. J. and WHITTINGTON, M. A., 2008. Period concatenation underlies interactions between gamma and beta rhythms in neocortex: Front Cell Neurosci 2, 1

ARMSTRONG, J.P., HURST, C., JONES, R.G., LICENCE, P., LOVELOCK, K.R., SATTERLEY, C.J. and VILLAR-GARCIA, I.J., 2007. Vapourisation of ionic liquids Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 9(8), 982-990

GLOVER, P.M., CAVIN, I., QIAN, W., BOWTELL, R. and GOWLAND, P., 2007. Magnetic-field-induced vertigo: A theoretical and experimental investigation Bioelectromagnetics. 28(5), 349-361

GLOVER, P.M. and BOWTELL, R, 2007. Measurement of electric fields due to time-varying magnetic field gradients using dipole probes Physics In Medicine And Biology. 52(17), 5119–5130

BENCSIK, M., BOWTELL, R. and BOWLEY, R, 2007. Electric fields induced in the human body by time-varying magnetic field gradients in MRI: numerical calculations and correlation analysis Physics in Medicine and Biology. 52(9), 2337-2353

PETERS, A. M., BROOKES, M. J., HOOGENRAAD, F. G., GOWLAND, P. A., FRANCIS, S. T., MORRIS, P. G. and BOWTELL, R., 2007. T2* measurements in human brain at 1.5, 3 and 7 T MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. VOL 25(NUMB 6), 748-753

CAVIN, I. D., GLOVER, P. M., BOWTELL, R. W. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2007. Thresholds for perceiving metallic taste at high magnetic field JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. VOL 26(NUMBER 5), 1357-1361

GOWLAND, P A and BOWTELL, R, 2007. Theoretical optimization of multi-echo fMRI data acquisition. Physics In Medicine And Biology. 52(7), 1801-13

GLOVER, P M, CAVIN, I, QIAN, W, BOWTELL, R and GOWLAND, P A, 2007. Magnetic-field-induced vertigo: a theoretical and experimental investigation. Bioelectromagnetics. 28(5), 349-61

PETERS, ANDREW M, BROOKES, MATTHEW J, HOOGENRAAD, FRANK G, GOWLAND, PENNY A, FRANCIS, SUSAN T, MORRIS, PETER G and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2007. T2* measurements in human brain at 1.5, 3 and 7 T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 25(6), 748-53
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