Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


BROOKES, MATTHEW J., VRBA, JIRI, ROBINSON, STEPHEN E., STEVENSON, CLAIRE M., PETERS, ANDREW M., BARNES, GARETH R., HILLEBRAND, ARJAN and MORRIS, PETER G., 2008. Optimising experimental design for MEG beamformer imaging NEUROIMAGE. 39(4), 1788-1802

SOTIROPOULOS SN, BAI L, MORGAN PS, AUER DP, CONSTANTINESCU CS and TENCH CR, 2008. A regularized two-tensor model fit to low angular resolution diffusion images using basis directions. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. 28(1), 199-209

PEET AC, ARVANITIS TN, AUER DP, DAVIES NP, HARGRAVE D, HOWE FA, JASPAN T, LEACH MO, MACARTHUR D, MACPHERSON L, MORGAN PS, NATARAJAN K, PAYNE GS, SAUNDERS D, GRUNDY RG and CCLG FUNCTIONAL IMAGING GROUP, 2008. The value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in tumour imaging. Archives of disease in childhood. 93(9), 725-7

ALTAF, N., DANIELS, L., MORGAN, P.S., AUER, D., MACSWEENEY, S.T., MOODY, A.R. and GLADMAN, J.R., 2008. Detection of intraplaque hemorrhage by magnetic resonance imaging in symptomatic patients with mild to moderate carotid stenosis predicts recurrent neurological events Journal of Vascular Surgery. 47(2), 337-342

ALTAF, N., MORGAN, P.S., MOODY, A., MACSWEENEY, S.T., GLADMAN, J.R. and AUER, D.P., 2008. Brain white matter hyperintensities are associated with carotid intraplaque hemorrhage Radiology. 248(1), 202-209

SCHUBERT, MIRJAM I, KALISCH, RAFFAEL, SOTIROPOULOS, IOANNIS, CATANIA, CATERINA, SOUSA, NUNO, ALMEIDA, OSBORNE F X and AUER, DOROTHEE P, 2008. Effects of altered corticosteroid milieu on rat hippocampal neurochemistry and structure--an in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 42(11), 902-12

SHEN, L. and BAI, L., 2008. 3D Gabor wavelets for evaluating SPM normalization algorithm Medical Image Analysis. 12(3), 375-383

SCHUBERT, MIRJAM I., KALISCH, RAFFAEL, SOTIROPOULOS, IOANNIS, CATANIA, CATERINA, SOUSA, NUNO, ALMEIDA, OSBORNE F. X. and AUER, DOROTHEE P., 2008. Effects of altered corticosterold milieu on rat hippocampal neurochemistry and structure - An in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging study JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH. 42(11), 902-912

LIN, X, TENCH, CR, MORGAN, PS and CONSTANTINESCU, CS, 2008. Use Of Combined Conventional And Quantitative Mri To Quantify Pathology Related To Cognitive Impairment In Multiple Sclerosis Journal Of Neurology Neurosurgery And Psychiatry. 79(4), 437-441

MULLINGER K, BROOKES M, STEVENSON C, MORGAN P and BOWTELL R, 2008. Exploring the feasibility of simultaneous electroencephalography/functional magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T. Magnetic resonance imaging. 26(7), 968-77

TALLANTYRE, E.C., BROOKES, M.J., DIXON, J.E., MORGAN, P.S., EVANGELOU, N. and MORRIS, P.G., 2008. Demonstrating the perivascular distribution of MS lesions in vivo with 7-tesla MRI Neurology. 70(22), 2076-2078

DE HAAN B, MORGAN PS and RORDEN C, 2008. Covert orienting of attention and overt eye movements activate identical brain regions. Brain research. 1204, 102-11

ASLANIDI OV, DEWEY RS, MORGAN AR, BOYETT MR and ZHANG H, 2008. Regional differences in rabbit atrial action potential properties: mechanisms, consequences and pharmacological implications. Conference proceedings : ... Annual international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society. Ieee engineering in medicine and biology society. Conference. 2008, 141-4
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