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Nutritional Composition and Digestibility Lab

We will evaluate novel plant and non-plant protein sources to develop the most suitable protein for human food and animal feed.

Our Nutritional Composition and Digestibility Lab (NCDL) is the University of Nottingham's state of the art nutritional analysis facility to help researchers assess nutritional quality of diverse protein sources with a range of cutting-edge techniques. 

We house the University's high-throughput in vitro protein digestibility platform based on the INFOGEST human in vitro digestion model. 



Our research

Our researchers have been involved in the international RING trials to standardise human protein digestibility, and the development of this platform for animal feed (chicken and pig).

Through collaboration with the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre (SPMIC), NCDL can also assess in vivo human digestion of protein using fMRI approaches.

The facility is equipped to analyse critical nutrients and micro-nutrient constituents including total protein, amino acids, lipids, fatty acids, total energy, mono/oligo saccharides, vitamins, nutritional metabolome and mineral analysis. 




Platform leaders 

John Brameld profile

Professor John Brameld

Molly's is wearing a green shawl and earrings, and short dreads are down over her ear

Dr Molly Muleya

Tim's profile picture

Professor Tim Parr

Tristan is wearing a grey suit standing outside a building

Dr Tristan Dew

Sally is wearing a burgundy blouse standing in front of the MRI scanner

Dr Sally Eldeghaidy