Web co-ordinators' forum notes
23 October 2002
to the forum
34 staff attended the meeting.
After a brief presentation from Tony Scott outlining the purpose
of the CMS project and the plan for CMS selection (Powerpoint file, 113Kb), there was a chance
for all present to comment on potential CMS requirements. This was
chaired by Peter Stockwell.
Points raised:
- Manually maintained pages should be able to coexist with those
managed by CMS. (Pharmacy)
- The CMS should as far as possible be designed to ensure accessible
pages with a text only option. (Pharmacy)
- Adequate training must be available to staff managing departmental
websites at several levels. (Pharmacy)
- CMS should integrate well with the Compass Portal. (Immunology)
- The CMS should enable content to be published from a single
source to multiple formats eg. web and PDF. It should also keep
an archive of previous versions. (Immunology)
- Maintenance of lists of staff and researchers can be problematic
(4M) (note: CMS should integrate with HR/staff database to automate
this – TS).
- CMS should facilitate the publishing of teaching materials to
the web (4M)
- CMS ought to allow the incorporation of elements such as Flash,
etc. (??)
- Some departments run their own web servers - will the licensing
allow those departments who wish to keep up this arrangement,
to run their own copy(Computer Science)
- CMS license must cover both Internet and Intranet sites (Computer
- Mixed content - CMS must allow for the inclusion of PDFs, Word
Docs, Powerpoint presentations etc. (Computer Science)
- Will the CMS force the separation of Internal versus externally
focused information? (Computer Science)
- Will CMS alow access restriction to users on the basis of staff,
student, course, department etc.? (IESSG)
- How does CMS relate to the use of WebCT, Blackboard etc. for
presenting course materials on the web? (Computer Science)
- The CMS should allow for the easy integration of content already
designed which uses PHP (or other code) to access databases. (Nursing)
- What style of URLs and filenames would CMS generated pages have
- what control is there over this? (Estates)
(Notes by Tony Scott)