Mobile Learning
Development of Spatially-Aware Learning Tools
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and tablet PCs fitted with Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are being used to develop ‘spatially-aware’ applications for exploring orientation and navigation skills. SPLINT have developed applications for these mobile devices for use on undergraduate and taught postgraduate field courses (Geography Field Course [more], Practical Field Course in the IESSG [more], and the new 'Mobile and Field GIS' [more] modules).
The Benefits of these systems include:
- Introducing the students to the use of state-of-the-art technologies in a spatial context.
- Enhancement of the students' learning experiences by providing new hands-on methods to help them to assimilate their experiences in the field.
- Providing a field-based student-centred learning approach where the technology supports in-field student enquiry through information relevant to their spatial context.
- Built-in logging procedures can allow assessment of the students' field activities and achievements.
- Use as a lab-based virtual data-logger.
Software and hardware currently being used [more]
Current ongoing SPLINT research in this area [more]
Details of some of the current mobile learning systems in use and under development [more]