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  • Wind Farm Siting Exercise

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    Real-time Landscape Visualisation for Communicating the Location of Windfarms

    Real-time 3D Visualisation in Teaching and Learning

    The aim of this project is to embed real-time lab-based visualisation into a GIS-based analysis of potential wind farm locations, undertaken as part of an MSc in GIS group exercise. The main focus of this exercise is the use of GIS to develop a model for suggesting and assessing locations to site a wind farm in an upland area of Northern England. The suggested location, along with a detailed justification, are presented by the groups to their peers and to members of staff at the end of the project. The stereo real-time visualisation facility is made available so students can demonstrate the locations of their wind farms in the broader landscape context. They are able to demonstrate the visibility of the turbines from key locations around the landscape, as may be presented in a public consultation exercise.

    Student Experience

    Students gain experience of using state-of-the-art real-time visualisation technology to navigate a landscape model built from commercially available RADAR Digital Surface Models, aerial imagery and 3D building and vegetation models. The exercise offers a chance to experience the practicalities of orientation and navigation in a Virtual Reality model.

    Ongoing Developments

    In order to improve the usability of the visualisation facility certain developments are ongoing, in response to the student experience of interacting with the default system configuration. One such development is a context map synchronised with the 3D display, showing the users’ current position and cone of vision marked on the map.

    Summary of the Main Project Aims

    Publicity Materials

    Download a printable leaflet (.pdf) about the project [here]


    If you would like more information about this project please email
    andy.burton@nottingham.ac.uk. If you would like more information about SPLINT developments at Nottingham in the areas of mobile computing and 3D visualisation then please email gary.priestnall@nottingham.ac.uk.
