
Periods of registration (also referred to as registered period of study) for postgraduate research degrees are set out in the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework (UNQF) and may vary depending on the degree you are on. You can find the different processes and policies that may apply during this stage of your journey. 

For a PhD you would normally be registered for 3 years (full-time) or 6 years (part-time). Regulations set out the minimum and maximum period for your degree. This may vary depending on the terms and conditions in your individual studentship. 

You are expected to be undertaking your research in this period, with full access to research facilities and submit your thesis by the end of that time. 

The information on this page will signpost you to different processes and policies that may apply during this stage of your researcher's journey.

Registration, training and induction


Researcher engagement and employment


Mode of study


University of Nottingham staff who wish to undertake a research degree 


Module enrolment for researchers




Progression review


Additional period of study and transfer your studies


Voluntary interruption of study


Sickness leave and annual leave


Study away


Finance and funding






Notification of submission