Studying Effectively
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Understanding marking criteria

Find out what marking criteria are, how to find them, and why they are an important tool to support you through assessments.

What are marking criteria?

All of your assessments will be marked using specific marking criteria, sometimes referred to as assessment criteria. Marking criteria ensure that work is assessed in a fair, reliable, and consistent manner.

Marking criteria are usually presented in a table format, with written descriptions of the standards expected at each grading band. 


Where can I find my marking criteria?

Each School will have their own marking criteria, and these can usually be found in the course handbook or on Moodle. Always make sure you check the marking criteria before beginning work on an assessment.

If you are unsure about where to find your marking criteria, ask one of your tutors or lecturers. 


Why are marking criteria helpful?

Marking criteria are really important for both staff and students. They ensure that staff have a formal framework against which to assess work, and they ensure that work is assessed in a fair, reliable and consistent manner.

You may find it helpful to:

  • Consult your marking criteria at the start of your course or module, to gain an overview of what is expected.
  • Consult your marking criteria before you begin an assignment, to help you prepare and plan. 
  • Read your marking criteria before you submit an assignment, to check that you have met certain requirements.

Top tips

  • Most marking criteria are categorised using numerical marks and the corresponding classification. 
  • Gaining 'full marks' is extremely rare at university. This may be different to the marking systems you have been used to previously.
  • Speak to your tutors and lecturers about the marking criteria, especially if there are any terms or aspects of the criteria you are unsure about it.

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Studying Effectively

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