Studying Effectively
Student working on a laptop

Using your feedback

Learn how to access and respond to assessment feedback.

Feedback comes in many forms and individuals respond to feedback in different ways. Ultimately, feedback allows you to recognise and therefore respond to the gaps between your current performance and your desired goals.  

Accessing feedback

  • When you submit an assessment through Turnitin, you will usually receive written feedback from your marker. This might take the form of in-text comments, a summative piece of written feedback, or even recorded verbal feedback.
  • Though you will understandably want to know and make a note of your mark or grade, your feedback is just as important and you should take time to read it carefully.
  • It is important to save any feedback and returned assignments so that you can easily relocate and review them.
  • There are lots of other opportunities for informal written or verbal feedback – make sure you make a note of this too!  

Responding to feedback

  • Actively responding to feedback is a key part of the assessment process and your learning journey at university.
  • Be sure that you understand your feedback. Spend time reading feedback and reflecting on the advice given. If you still don't understand it, make an appointment with your maker to discuss it.
  • Make sure you recognise your strengths and any positive feedback. 
  • Look for recurring themes or words in your feedback, either within an assessment or across multiple assessments. This should help you identify your recurrent areas for development.
  • Once you have read through your feedback, identify one or two main areas for improvement. Now make a plan as to how you will address these development areas - you may wish to set targets.
  • Check over your recent feedback, as well as any targets before you start work on new assessments.
  • Remember that feedback is there to help you, so try to remain objective and see it as an opportunity to develop in your subject area.

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Studying Effectively

Kings Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

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