Studying Effectively
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Imposter phenomenon

Don't let imposter phenomenon get in your way. Read on for how to recognise, and tackle, these feelings.


What is imposter phenomenon?

The challenges of university study can make some students feel like they don’t belong, or that they are just pretending to be a student.

If you have ever felt like this, don’t panic! This is recognised as ‘imposter phenomenon’ and is very normal.  
It can cause feelings such as: 

  • “Everyone else here is better than me.” 
  • “I am not meant to be here.” 
  • “I don’t deserve support and help.” 

Read on for guidance on how to tackle these feelings.


How can I tackle imposter phenomenon?

Imposter phenomenon can get in the way of you seeking support, getting started with work, and participating in learning with those around you.

But there are things you can do about this:

  • Speak to your fellow students, personal tutors, and support and well-being team about these feelings. You might find that these are common feelings!
  • Remind yourself that you are not expected to be perfect because you are still learning. No one starts their studies knowing everything.
  • Keep track of your positive achievements. You have achieved in the past, and there is no reason why you can’t achieve again. 


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Tackling imposter phenomenon

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Studying Effectively

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