Studying Effectively
Student writing in a halls of residence


Strategies to support you through the essay writing process.

Go to: What is an essay?  |  Starting an essay  |  Structuring an essay  |  Proof-reading and evaluation

What is an essay?

An essay is a piece of academic writing which makes an evidenced argument in response to a question. Sometimes you will be assigned an essay question; in other cases, you’ll be given a topic and asked to create the question.

Some essays aim to prove something by taking a position and developing a well-reasoned case, whereas other essays are more exploratory. Though essays may vary depending on whether you are asked to ‘analyse’, ‘discuss’ or ‘outline’ a particular topic, they all:

  • Develop an argument which reaches some form of conclusion, in response to a question.
  • Should be based on relevant evidence and examples.
  • Involve criticality – critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing. This means questioning and evaluating evidence, ideas and theories.
  • Require an interplay between your own ideas and the ideas and theories of other authorities in your field.
  • Should be limited to a set word count and this should indicate how much depth and breadth to go into.

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Starting your essay

First stage


Second stage


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Structuring your essay

It is helpful to think of your essay structure as a flexible framework. You don’t want your structure to be so rigid and prescriptive that it constrains you, but on the other hand you don’t want it to be so loose that it offers you no help in sequencing your arguments.   

All essays need an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. However, your assessment criteria or your tutor may offer more guidance about how to structure a specific essay. Sometimes, the phrasing of the question itself can give you an indication about how to structure your essay.



Main body




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Proof-reading and evaluating your essay

The final stages of writing an assignment can often be the hardest because you are so familiar with your essay that it is hard to make objective judgements about it.

Proof-reading is an essential step in the essay writing process and encourages you to check over both the quality of your ideas and the clarity and cohesion of your writing.



Evaluating your essay

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