School of Veterinary Medicine and Science

On Farm Post-Mortems and Captive Bolting: for New and Recently Graduated Vets

Fact file
Dates Friday 1 November 2024
Speakers Sam Hailes, Adina Constantin and John Pegg
Location School of Veterinary Medicine and Science


10% discount for online booking

20% discount for alumni





This course will offer introduction to the practicalities of doing post-mortems on farm, with a lecture followed by a practical session.

The course will also introduce the use of captive bolt guns for the purpose of on-farm euthanasia, and the safety maintenance, and troubleshooting of the devices, with refence to emergency slaughter, pithing, bleeding and use of bullet euthanasia.

Topics to be covered

  • Post-mortem technique and sampling
  • Captive bolt usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting

Learning objectives

  • To be confident with post-mortem of farm animals
  • To be confident with sampling for a variety of disease conditions at post-mortem
  • To be confident in the handling and usage of captive bolt guns
  • To be aware of the necessity for pithing, or bleeding, and BSE testing requirements

Required delegate attributes or who this course is suitable for:

This is most suitable for any veterinarian spending some, or all, of their time in clinical farm practice, with an emphasis for new or recently graduated vets. However, vets of any stage in their careers are welcome to join.



Veterinary CPD Education Centre

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD

0115 951 6647

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