WasteNott — the plastics challenge


What would you like to do?



Find a free fountain

You can fill up your water bottle for free at one of the many water fountain locations across our campuses. You can find our where these are on the maps below.

Please note: 

  • Fountains marked yellow       can only be accessed with a University card 
  • Fountains marked purple       can only be accessed by those with an active sports membership

We endeavour to maintain continuous operation however there is always a possibility that a fountain may be out of service. If a fountain is not working, the building's receptionist may be able to point you towards a nearby alternative.

Accessible text-only version



Learn more...

The benefits of reusable hot drinks cups


David Attenborough on the ‘Blue Planet’ effect


The New Plastics Economy


This initiative aims to help address plastic waste and pollution at source

Visit the site

What could be achieved with reusable bottles


Why can't all plastic waste be recycled?

File 20180802 136661 cypqnu.jpg?ixlib=rb 1.1 Image - Shutterstock
Article by - Sharon George, Keele University

The UK produced 11m tonnes of plastic waste in 2017, and recycled around two thirds of it. Or so it seemed. A report by the National Audit Office (NAO) shows that over half of the UK’s recyclable waste is sent overseas for recycling, but much of it is likely to end up in landfill or the ocean instead.

Read the full article on The Conversation



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UoN sustainability

Tell us your story

Tell us what you’re doing to tackle single-use plastic and we may feature it on the website.

Tell us your story

Sustainability Team

Estate Office
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: sustainability@nottingham.ac.uk
