
go! Greener Switch Off Winners

Rutland Hall has won the go! Greener, Switch Off Halls Competition! 

From the 25 September – 31 October, halls were competing to see who can reduce their power and save the most energy compared to last year. The winning hall this semester received a prize!  

The results are in, and we are delighted to announce that Rutland Hall has won and will receive their prize! Congratulations also to Lenton and Wortley Hall and Melton Hall who achieved 2nd and 3rd place respectively and well done for everyone who made changes to save energy and reduce your carbon emissions – keep it up! It was a close contest. 

You can view the full results below.


On the 15th of November, Rutland collected their prize which was a spork outside their dinning room. 

 go! switch off prizego! switch off prize collection

It’s important that we care about the climate crisis and actively change our behaviours to be kinder to the planet. 


Posted on Thursday 16th November 2023

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
