Recent Additions to Website.

07/05/02: Brief notes on the structure of the project report may be downloaded here
24/03/02: Projects are now posted under 'Projects' in the frame above. Have a good Easter break!
Added 13/03/02: Coursework 3 now available.
Added 04/03/02: Worked solutions to the coursework problems are now available.

Click here to download the Lagrange interpolation algorithm from CW1.
An example program that uses 2nd order Runge-Kutta methods to solve the motion of a simple pendulum may be downloaded here .
A list of common student errors related to the coursework problems is here

Mandelbrot image

What topics does the Computing II module cover?

Welcome to the Computing II homepage. Computing is an integral part of modern physics. Both experimental and theoretical physicists rely heavily on computers for tasks ranging from the collection and analysis of large volumes of data to the simulation of complex physical systems. The Computing II module builds on the fundamental C programming skills taught in the Computing I module (F31AC1) to cover the use of computer-based numerical methods in the solution of physics problems. (What does the image to the left show?)

You need to have a Java compatible and Java-enabled browser to see the applet!

Computer graphics and Java applets

A particular theme running throughout the module is the use of computer graphics to visualise the solutions of various physics problems. Therefore, a feature of the Computing II site will be the inclusion of Java applets (and links to applets) that illustrate key physics and numerical methods concepts (an applet is a small program embedded in and controlled by a larger application such as a world wide web browser). Java is a particularly exciting and relatively recent development of the Internet which enables the production of dynamic, interactive web sites.

An example of a Java applet is shown to the right. In addition to solving the equation of motion for the ball, the applet is also interactive - try dragging the ball to a new position using the mouse! While this is admittedly a rather simple example, there are a large number of systems whose dynamic behaviour is very difficult or impossible to solve analytically and we must use computer-based numerical methods. An example of a simple system that exhibits complex behaviour is the damped, driven pendulum - we cover that system in some detail in Lecture 6: Chaos . (This link features a Java simulation of the pendulum).

Course details

Aims and Objectives

A range of numerical techniques and their application to various areas of physics will be presented in a series of weekly 1 hour lectures. Running in parallel with the lectures will be a weekly 1 hr. computing lab. session (in room B11) that will give "hands-on" experience in writing computer algorithms and programs based on the techniques discussed in the lectures. There are two primary aims of the Computing II module: The lectures and lab. sessions are designed to integrate these areas so that proficiency in C programming and basic computational physics methods will be gained in parallel.Note that the lectures page includes details of the specific aims of the individual lectures and lab. sessions.

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Lectures & Lecture notes

The Computing II lecture notes are handed out in booklet form during the first lecture (see the lecture timetable ). I have not reproduced those notes on this web site, preferring to include additional material and information that supports the lectures and lab. sessions.For a sample Computing II lecture web page, click on the "Lectures" button above.

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Lab sessions

The class has been divided into three groups for the computing lab. sessions. (See lab. groups to find the group you have been assigned to). All computing lab. sessions will be held in room B11. The lab. session times are as follows: Please contact me as soon as possible if you cannot attend the lab. session you have been assigned to. . Throughout this module, please ensure that you bring your lecture notes to each lab. session. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, for you to complete the tasks in each lab. session without your lecture notes. In addition, the demonstrator and I am there to help during the lab session. Any work you do in the lab session will not contribute to your final mark so if at any stage you get "stuck" with a particular program or the PC is not doing what you want, please put your hand up or otherwise attract my, or the demonstrator's, attention!

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This year the coursework assessment element of the module consists of 3 exercises allocated on Weeks 2, 4 and 7 of the course and due in at the start of the lab. session the following week. The rules and regulations regarding coursework that were described in the course details for the Computing I module also apply for the Computing II module. In particular, (i) a
plagiarism statement must be handed in with the coursework exercise, and (ii) the coursework must be printed out before, and not during, the lab. session in which it should be handed in. The coursework exercise contributes 20% of your final mark for this module.

Class test

On the sixth week of the course, there will be a 1 hour class test. The class test contributes 30% of the final module mark. Click on the "Tests" button above for examples of previous tests. You will be able to refer to your lecture handouts and notes, lab session notes, previous coursework and text books throughout the test.


The final three weeks (9-11) of the course are devoted to a project which you will be assigned at the start of week 9 of the course. The project will involve writing a C program that uses the techniques covered in the course to solve a physics problem or model a simple physical system. The project contributes 50% of the final mark. There are no lectures and no lab. sessions for the final three weeks of the course - these weeks are set aside for you to work on your project. The completed project (consisting of ~ 1000 words describing how you approached the problem and wrote the C code, a printput of your program and your program on a 3.5" floppy disk) must be handed in to me on a floppy disk by Friday 10th May. . Projects handed in after this date will not contribute to your final mark. Further details on the structure of the project report will be available closer to the start of the projects.

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Textbooks and recommended reading

There is currently no text book available that covers both programming in C and numerical techniques/computational physics at a first year level. For C programming I recommend the following books: The computational physics and numerical methods aspects of the course (including a number of the examples and demonstrations used in the lectures) have been based on two main texts: Additional sources of information on various aspects of C and numerical methods are provided on the lecture web pages .

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A module questionnaire will be handed out on week 6 of the course, your responses collated and this information, along with my comments (in the form of a Module Report Form), posted on the website. Click on "Feedback" above for questionnaire-related data from previous years. In addition, each coursework exercise and your class test should be returned with sufficient feedback for you to understand where you lost marks and how you might improve your programming. If at any time you have queries regarding the course or your coursework/test marks please contact me either during a lab. session, by e-mail or at my office (see details below).

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Contact Details

Philip Moriarty
School of Physics & Astronomy, Office: B125, Tel. (internal): 15156

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Last Updated: 28 January 2001
Philip Moriarty, School of Physics & Astronomy,
University of Nottingham